Wednesday, October 24, 2012


For my Frinq class this was one of our class projects. Love this photograph.

In this photograph, there is a girl. She shows little to no emotion in the shot, and looks like she has bruises on half of her face. The other half of her face is clean; no marks are present on that side. The photograph is black and white, making every dark detail clear. Also her hair is messy on the marked up side. 

In my photograph, I was going for this idea that two peopl
e were being shown. One being the left side of the photograph: This is the side that is visible to everyone. The side of you that you want to show, the side you want people to see as the true you. The side that is clean and has no faults. The other side is broken. The side you want to hide from others. This is how I act, and how others act too. We hide our emotions from others and bottle them up inside. We try to appear something we are not to either impress, or just to be someone else.

Basically the bruises and marks on my face represent hurt. It’s baggage and scars that we usually hide but here…I’m showing them.

Love my roommate

I need more people like Hannah to pose for me.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Update... been VERY lazy with my blog.

im in college now, which means being lazy and also being lazy. (When you get in college you'll understand)
Anyways, here are some pics from the last week.